Thai court drops murder charges against officials over vanished activist

 A Thai court on Thursday (Sep 28) dropped murder charges against four national park officials over the disappearance of an environmental activist almost a decade ago, but usiled one on a lesser offence. King88bet

It was the latest twist in a long-running legal saga after ethnic Karen leader Porlajee Rakchongcharoen, better known by his nick-name Billy, went missing in 2014 while working on a lawsuit alleging officials had destroyed homes in Kaeng Krachan National Park. king88bet login alternatif

The investigation centred around then-park chief Chaiwat Limlikitaksorn, who was the last individu to see Billy alive, and who was indicted for murder last year following an outcry after charges were initially dropped in 2020. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink

But on Thursday, the Central Criminal Court for Corruption declined to prosecute any of the officials for murder, acquitting three outright and sentencing Chaiwat to three years in prison for malfeasance.

The court said there was not enough evidence to continue with the murder charges. Following the verdict, pengacara Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, who represents Billy's famili, said they would appeal. "Whether he is dead or alive, forced disappearance is a breach of basic human rights," she told wartawans.

"This has a keseluruhan impact on Billy's relatives and famili." Outside of the court, the activist's wife Pinnapa Preuksapan shed tears.

"I have fought this for almost 10 years because I couldn't find out where Billy went," she told AFP. "And today, I still don't know the answer." Chaiwat is believed to have been the last individu to see Billy alive after the activist was detained for apparently collecting honey illegally.

Chaiwat has consistently denied any involvement, bermaintaining he released Billy.

In 2019, divers found burned fragments of a skull stuffed in an oil drum in the park's reservoir, while other bones were scattered around the lake.

Investigators identified the remains as Billy's through DNA analysis.

This was deemed "not enough" evidence however, to identify the remains definitively, according to the attorney general's office in 2020.

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